Nikola Wilson BA Fine Art
A finalists in the 2012 Art at the Edge Paralympic Sculpture Competition. ​
​I recently came in as one of 5 finalists in the 2012 Art at the Edge Paralympic Sculpture Competition. Since then my piece has been shown in exhibitions thoughout the country.
2008-2010 The White Hart Project, Art Workshop for schools.
I designed and headed up an Art Workshop for schools called The White Hart Project, based around a forgotten legend of the region, giving children a sense of ownership and belonging to a special landscape through story telling, painting, poetry and drama. It was partially funded by the Somerset County Council and was commissioned by many schools across the Blackmore Vale.
2001-2003 Art Placement at Yeovil District Hospital.
​The Eye Clinic commissioned 3 textual paintings and a sculpture to address different types of blindness. I was also asked to repaint the waiting room to make it easier for the partially sighted to negotiate.
In a long corridor I completed an 80 meter mural design in paint, metals and ceramics. Working with the idea of serenity as the antidote in a place full of difficulty and stress, I involved patients and staff to tell me what music gave them a sense of serenity. I tried to reinterpret their music onto the walls, to create one ​great symphony of serenity.
I also worked with a fracture specialist to produce a floor to ceiling spiral sculpture in steel for their department. It is now in the stairwell leading to the hospital cafeteria. From our conversationsI learned that pretty much everything is created in spirals, from galaxies to seashells to our bones and even our DNA!